Exciting News:

Dr. Navarro has met all requirements for the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT). This means if you travel or move to another state, she may be able to continue to meet with you via telehealth. Check here to see what states are currently covered: https://psypact.site-ym.com/page/psypactmap.

Also, Dr. Navarro is now both a certified therapist and consultant through EMDRIA. She provides consultation and supervision related to trauma, EMDR and ego state therapies, and dissociative struggles including structural dissociation.


I am glad you found this site. It takes courage to make any change and the first step is oftentimes the hardest. I imagine you might be experiencing a variety of unpleasant symptoms and looking for relief or perhaps you are unhappy with some aspect of your life. If you are feeling stuck and in need of a solution or are mostly content, but want to make sure you are living to your potential, you have come to the right place. I am glad you are taking inventory of your emotions, relationships, behaviors, and goals. These are all important aspects of any life and you only get one chance at this!

I am trained as a doctoral level psychologist and can help with many types of symptom relief. Life is so much more rewarding when you can get a good night’s rest, be free of emotional pain and worrying, and have quality relationships and fulfilling work. More than being symptom free, however, it is frequently a goal to help people learn more about themselves including patterns of thinking, feeling, and relating. This may involve discussing historical issues to help you gain a better awareness of and enjoyment of the “now.” This may also entail discovering your true self, perhaps for the first time.

I hope you can get a sense of what I can offer via this website. Feel free to give me a call if you think I can help or if you have any questions. I offer a free telephone consultation and welcome any inquiries. Also, it is important to me that you are able to have your needs met whether it is through me or anyone else. I will try to assist you in finding a good fit either way!